当前位置:主页 > CooperationThe conference offers comprehensive cooperation programme, including host conferences,co- sponsored conferences,exhibition opportunities and area for academic investigation, etc.. Any cooperation can be customized to meet the needs of your organization. 会议提供了全面的合作方案,包括主办会议、协办会议、考察项目展示机会、展示空间等等。任何合作都可以定制以满足你单位的需求。 The organizing committee welcomes scientific research personnel in all fields with a strong team, and creatively invite higher teaching institutions and scientific research institutions at home and abroad to become the co-organizers of the Conference of 2020 3rd International Conference on Advanced Algorithms and Control Engineering (ICAACE 2020).大会组委会期待以最盛大的阵容迎接各领域科研人员,创新性地向国内外高等院校、科研机构等发出合作邀请,成为第三届先进算法与控制工程国际学术会议(ICAACE 2020)的联合主办单位。 To become the co-organizers of the conference, the following requirements must be met: 报名成为大会联合主办单位,需满足以下条件: 1.Have strong influence in its field.单位在所属领域内有较强影响力; 2.Innovate scientific research and represent future direction in its research field.科研创新,能代表该研究领域未来发展方向; 3.Pass the organizing committee extensive reviews.通过大会组委会严格审核。 As the conference partner, you will enjoy the right of its co-hosted conference naming right, advertising, agenda setting, and guests invitation etc.. We offer special exhibition area to provide a full range of display for our partners. 作为大会合作伙伴,将享有其联合主办会议的主办冠名权、广告宣传权、议程设置权及嘉宾邀请权等,更特设展区,为合作单位提供全方位展示空间。 We will together with you to host a higher-quality international conference. 我们将与您共同举办更高质量的国际会议。 According to the variety of cooperation types, we offer different services and privileges. For reservation and enquiring regarding cooperation, please do not hesitate to email at: cooperation@keoaeic.org. 根据合作类型的多样,我们有不同的服务和特权提供。有关合作相关事宜,请直接与我们联系:cooperation@keoaeic.org/ 020-29869162 New Case/最新案例: